An offeror must make an announcement including the details set out in Rule 17.2 by 8.00 am at the latest on the business day following each of the following days:
Day 21 and every seventh day thereafter;
any day on which an offer is revised;
each day in the week leading up to, and including, the unconditional date or the long-stop date;
any day on which an acceptance condition invocation notice expires;
any day on which the offer becomes or is declared unconditional or lapses; and
any day on which, as at 5.00 pm, the total percentage of shares which the offeror may count towards satisfaction of the acceptance condition has increased or decreased to, or through, any of the following thresholds:
the percentage threshold to which the acceptance condition is currently subject;
75% of the shares carrying voting rights in the offeree company; and
if the threshold in (A) can be reduced to a specified minimum threshold, that threshold.
An offeror must also include the details set out in Rule 17.2 in any announcement which includes:
an acceptance condition invocation notice; or