Timing following a possible offer announcement
Subject to Rule 2.6(b), by not later than 5.00 pm on the 28th day following the date of the announcement in which it is first identified, or by not later than any extended deadline, a potential offeror must either:
announce a firm intention to make an offer in accordance with Rule 2.7; or
announce that it does not intend to make an offer, in which case the announcement will be treated as a statement to which Rule 2.8 applies,
unless the Panel has consented to an extension of the deadline.
Rule 2.6(a) will not apply, or will cease to apply, to a potential offeror if another offeror has already announced, or subsequently announces (prior to the relevant deadline), a firm intention to make an offer for the offeree company. In such circumstances, the potential offeror will be required to clarify its intentions in accordance with Rule 2.6(d) below.
The Panel will normally consent to an extension of a deadline set in accordance with Rule 2.6(a), or any previously extended deadline, at the request of the board of the offeree company and after taking into account all relevant factors, including:
the status of negotiations between the offeree company and the potential offeror; and
the anticipated timetable for their completion.
Where the Panel consents to an extension of a deadline, the offeree company must promptly make an announcement setting out the new deadline and commenting on the matters referred to in paragraphs (i) and (ii) above.
When an offeror has announced a firm intention to make an offer and it has been announced that a publicly identified potential offeror might make a competing offer (whether that announcement was made prior to or following the announcement of the first offer), the potential offeror must, by 5.00 pm on Day 53, either:
announce a firm intention to make an offer in accordance with Rule 2.7; or
announce that it does not intend to make an offer, in which case the announcement will be treated as a statement to which Rule 2.8 applies.
(See Section 4 of Appendix 7 where the first offeror is proceeding by means of a scheme of arrangement.)
When an offeror has announced a firm intention to make an offer and the offeree company subsequently refers to the existence of a potential competing offeror which has not been identified, the potential competing offeror so referred to must, by 5.00 pm on Day 53, either:
announce a firm intention to make an offer in accordance with Rule 2.7; or
confirm to the offeree company that it does not intend to make an offer, in which case the offeree company must promptly announce that fact and the potential competing offeror will be treated as if it had then made a statement to which Rule 2.8 applies.
(See Section 4 of Appendix 7 where the first offeror is proceeding by means of a scheme of arrangement.)
Deadline extensions
When a request to extend a deadline set under Rule 2.6(a) is made by the board of the offeree company, the Panel will normally give its decision shortly before the time at which the deadline is due to expire. The board of the offeree company may request different deadline extensions for different potential offerors or may request a deadline extension in relation to one potential offeror but not others.
Formal sale process
Where, prior to an offeror having announced a firm intention to make an offer, the board of the offeree company announces that it is seeking one or more potential offerors for the offeree company by means of a formal sale process, the Panel will normally grant a dispensation from the requirements of Rules 2.4(a) and (b) (but see Note 12 on Rule 8) and Rule 2.6(a), such that any potential offeror which agrees with the offeree company to participate in that process would not be required to be publicly identified under Rule 2.4(a) or (b) and would not be subject to the 28 day deadline referred to in Rule 2.6(a), for so long as it is participating in that process. The Panel should be consulted at the earliest opportunity in all cases where such a dispensation is sought.