Restrictions on dealings by a competing offeror whose offer has lapsed
Except with the consent of the Panel, where an offer has been one of two or more competing offers and has lapsed, neither that offeror, nor any person acting in concert with that offeror, may acquire any interest in shares in the offeree company on more favourable terms than those made available under its lapsed offer until each of the competing offers has either become or been declared unconditional or has itself lapsed. For these purposes, the value of the lapsed offer shall be calculated as at the day the offer lapsed.
Determination of price
The price paid for any acquisition of an interest in shares will be determined in the manner set out in Note 4 on Rule 6 (other than the final paragraph of that Note).
However, where:
a call option was entered into during any period that was relevant for the purposes of Rule 6 (or Rule 9.5, where relevant) in relation to the previous or lapsed offer; and
that call option is exercised:
then the person will be treated as having acquired an interest in shares at the time of such exercise and, for the purposes of Rule 35.3 or Rule 35.4 (as the case may be), the price paid will normally be treated as the amount paid on exercise of the option together with any amount paid by the option-holder on entering into the option.
Where a person acquired an interest in shares before the period referred to in paragraph (a) above as a result of any option, derivative or agreement to purchase and, during the relevant period referred to in paragraph (b) above, the person acquires any of the relevant shares, no obligation under this Rule will normally arise as a result of the acquisition of those shares. However, if the terms of the instrument have been varied in any way, or if the shares are acquired other than on the terms of the original instrument, the Panel should be consulted.